Dear Friends,
The new Hard Taco song, "O Lover, Drowned Lover" is now available for download!
Here is that same phrase in Spanish, courtesy of a free online translation service:
¡La canción Dura nueva del Taco, "Amante O, Amante Ahogado" está ahora disponible para la descarga!
Which, when translated into English, means:
The new Hard song of the Plug, "Lover OR, Lover Drowned" is now available for the discharge!
Which, in French, is:
La nouvelle chanson Dure du Bouchon, « l'Amant OU, l'Amant A Noyé » est maintenant disponible pour la décharge!
Now back to English:
The new song Lasts Cork, « the lover OR, the lover Drowned » now available east for the disposal!
To Portuguese:
A nova canção Dura a Cortiça, « o amante OU, o amante Afogou-se » leste agora disponível para a disposição!
Back to English:
To new Hard song the Cork, « the lover OR, the lover Drowned » you read now available for the arrangement!
To Russian:
К новой Твердой(Трудной) песне Пробка, " любитель(возлюбленный) ИЛИ, любитель(возлюбленный) Тонул " Вы читает теперь доступный для договоренности!
Back to English:
To a new Firm (Difficult) song the Fuse, " the fan(amateur) (beloved) OR, the fan(amateur) (beloved) Sank " you reads now accessible to the arrangement!
To Italian:
A una Società nuova (Difficile) la canzone il Fusibile, " il ventilatore (il dilettante) (l'amato) O, il ventilatore (il dilettante) (l'amato) Ha Affondato " lei legge adesso accessibile alla disposizione!
Back to English, and IN CONCLUSION:
To a new Society (Difficult) the song the Fuse, " the fan (the delights) (loved it) OR, the fan (the delights) (loved it) Sank " she reads now accessible to the disposition!
That's just the teaser. I have actually subjected ALL of the lyrics of this song to the same process of multiple translations. Check out both versions and let me know if you think I should re-record the vocals with the translated lyrics...
With Warmest Regards,
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