Friday, July 1, 2005

Lost in Translation

Dear Friends,

The new Hard Taco song, "O Lover, Drowned Lover" is now available for download!

Here is that same phrase in Spanish, courtesy of a free online translation service:
¡La canción Dura nueva del Taco, "Amante O, Amante Ahogado" está ahora disponible para la descarga!

Which, when translated into English, means:
The new Hard song of the Plug, "Lover OR, Lover Drowned" is now available for the discharge! 

Which, in French, is:
La nouvelle chanson Dure du Bouchon, « l'Amant OU, l'Amant A Noyé » est maintenant disponible pour la décharge!

Now back to English:
The new song Lasts Cork, « the lover OR, the lover Drowned » now available east for the disposal! 

To Portuguese:
A nova canção Dura a Cortiça, « o amante OU, o amante Afogou-se » leste agora disponível para a disposição!

Back to English:
To new Hard song the Cork, « the lover OR, the lover Drowned » you read now available for the arrangement! 

To Russian:
К новой Твердой(Трудной) песне Пробка, " любитель(возлюбленный) ИЛИ, любитель(возлюбленный) Тонул " Вы читает теперь доступный для договоренности! 

Back to English:
To a new Firm (Difficult) song the Fuse, " the fan(amateur) (beloved) OR, the fan(amateur) (beloved) Sank " you reads now accessible to the arrangement! 

To Italian:
A una Società nuova (Difficile) la canzone il Fusibile, " il ventilatore (il dilettante) (l'amato) O, il ventilatore (il dilettante) (l'amato) Ha Affondato " lei legge adesso accessibile alla disposizione!

Back to English, and IN CONCLUSION:
To a new Society (Difficult) the song the Fuse, " the fan (the delights) (loved it) OR, the fan (the delights) (loved it) Sank " she reads now accessible to the disposition! 

That's just the teaser. I have actually subjected ALL of the lyrics of this song to the same process of multiple translations. Check out both versions and let me know if you think I should re-record the vocals with the translated lyrics...

With Warmest Regards,

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