Sunday, December 1, 2024

Album Drip/Drop

Dear Friends,

The new Hard Taco album, Oddly Specific, drips today! 

Real talk: The word drip is mostly associated with unpleasant imagery such as leaky faucets, gonorrhea, and incontinence. But drop is even worse... Dropping a vase, moose droppings, dropping acid, dropping out of school, and precipitous temperature drops. So I went with drip, manifesting that this album will drip like a hot brown espresso shot. It's got ten great songs (out of eleven), including the new Hard Taco tune for this month, "Freeze Tag." 

In theory, you may now listen to Oddly Specific wherever you stream your music, whether that's Spotify (most Earthlings), Pandora (my parents), YouTube (Eastern European bots) or Apple Music (Nostalgic roadies who worked on U2's Songs of Innocence tour.) 

So sprint to the nearest planet that has wi-fi and give it a listen, and thanks for supporting whatever the heck this thing is!

With warmest regards,