In the National Treasure movies, Benjamin Franklin Gates (as portrayed by handsome screen actor Nicholas Cage) steals the Declaration of Independence and uses it to decode ciphers left all over the thirteen colonies by the Founding Fathers.
So here we are in Washington D.C., and Gates announces that he has found a treasure chest left by the Knights Templar, and that there are clues hidden all over the fort.
There were five puzzles in total. Each had Nick Cage's face somehere near it so you knew it was part of the National Treasure thread. Each of the puzzles could be solves with a three digit numerical clue which would unlock the box.
Here are a couple of the actual puzzles. I'm not ready to share the other three, because I want to be able to repurpose their mechanics for something else later.
Our winners got Nick Cage stickers and the opportunity to enter their timestamped success story in this diary.
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