Fortress Party 2005 was the last at our old house, but a number of lasting traditions started that year. Most notably was the custom of having live music. This video has some highlights, trimmed from over 60 minutes of footage.
And of course, there was tradition of having real live babies! This was Scarlett's first Fortress, and Grandma Tweetie came to town to help out. Scarlett stayed awake for the pre-game show, but fell asleep before the party started.

This room was called The Bland Ole Opry, and it was the first time we had live music at Fortress Party. The straw bales gave it a real country music vibe, but the straw got absolutely everywhere. When we sold the house a year later, there were still little pieces of straw in the carpet.
It was the single biggest Fortress mistake we ever made. Until we did it again in 2008. (500 points if anyone can remember the theme of that room before I publish the FP'08 pictures!)
With warmest regards,
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