Saturday, December 31, 2022

Fortress Party 2022 - Belly of a Whale

Most fortress rooms are noisy, well-lit and activating, but some guests prefer a room that is more calming... a place to escape the din of flashing lights and shouting mannequins. This year, that room was The Belly of a Whale.

The journey started at the other end of the whale's digestive tract and worked it's way up to the belly. 

There were checkpoints at the sigmoid, ileum, and jejunum. Once you get to the duodenum, there was a partially-digested Pinocchio. 

The Belly room was lined with soft pink and red sheets covering comfortable surfaces. A giant beanbag served as the tongue. White sheets were rolled up and used to imply ribs around the ceiling and walls.

And projected onto he window from the outside of the house were underwater scenes through an opening and closing mouth. 

The rest of my family was very disturbed by the fact that teeth of this mouth appeared to be human teeth, rather than baleen. I had to remind them that some whales have teeth, and some of them just have better dental hygiene than others. Here is the full video. 

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