Saturday, December 31, 2022

Fortress Party 2022 - Neurology Resident Room

This room was mostly an inside joke, but I knew there would be a lot of people at the party who were in on it. The University of Michigan neurology residents operate their consult service out of a glorified closet that hasn't had a good purge in years. People pin things they think are helpful, funny, or cheerful to a cork board, and they just stay there forever.

Over the prior month, I photocopied or stole everything from that cork board and built a replica of it in my living room. 

A giant pager showed a variety of "urgent" messages. 

The highlight was a rotating playlist of short music videos starting puppets and many of the actual University of Michigan neurology residents and rotators. None of them knew exactly why they were being filmed, but went along with it anyway, because they are good sports. (And blah blah power dynamics blah blah blah. I'm going with good sports.)

Here are the videos:

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