Monday, December 7, 2020

Fortress Party 2015 Retrospective, Part 6: The 4th Dimension of Fortress Party Security

We always refer this room as the Time Travel Security Cameras, but it's official title The 4th Dimension of Fortress Security

The premise is that we have security cameras all over the fortress, but instead of taking live footage in different locations, it takes footage of the same location, but in different years. (Pssshhhcchhh... Mind blown!)

This was the ultimate long con, because we had to plan it over two years in advance. In 2013, we set up a camera to take video footage in the Finnegan's Wake room. In 2014, we did the same thing with the German Park room. 

The videos from 1520, 3015, and One Hour in the Future were recorded a few months before FP '15. We had some friends over, built a one-room fortress in the basement, and put on some costumes. That was a fun night. 

The night of the actual party, we showed this split screen video on a large TV in the room with the sign-in sheets. We also set up a small baby monitor (shown the right of the TV below) to show actual live footage from somewhere else in the current fort. 

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